Jumat, 29 November 2013

My Cherie Amour: You're Pretty as A Summer's Day

Berhubung aku bingung cara make windows media player, jadilah aku hari ini mendownload win amp. hehehe... dah kadung terbiasa dengan win amp, jadi sulit beralih ke yang lain. Lalu, mulailah aku bisa mengetik dengan santai. Dengan walkman terpasang di kedua telinga dan lagu-lagu pilihan yang mengalir deras di telingaku. Mengiringi jemariku menari kesana kemari,.

Hingga akhirnya aku bertemu dengan lagu My Cherie Amour, yang dicover version dengan suara manjanya Susan Wong. Aku suka warna suaranya Susan Wong, lidah orientalnya masih kental banget jadi ada beberapa pengucapan kata yang terdengar sedikit cadel. Tapi rentang suaranya yang jernih itu malah bikin suaranya jadi terdengar manja di telinga. Pada dasarnya, aku suka suara penyanyi yang unik, dan suara penyanyi yang punya warna suara manja termasuk kategori unik bagiku.

Nah, pas lagi mencari kata-kata yang tepat untuk tulisanku, tanpa sadar aku jadi nyimak lagunya Susan Wong: My Cherie Amour. Dan penasaran, ini artinya apa sih lagunya? Dan ternyata , ada sebuah perdebatan dari pertanyaan yang melintas di kepalaku ini.  Ini dia perdebatannya (aku mendapatkannya karena memasuukkan clue: arti kata cherie amour dan itu membawaku ke group yahoo yang ini)

What does Cherie Amour mean in English?

  • Naomi M asked 6 years ago
i know it has something to do with love but thats all i know


Best AnswerVoter's Choice

  • Beauty_Queen answered 6 years ago
Chérie may be translated to "sweetheart"
Chérie (feminine) - Chéri (masculine).
Amour= love.

You can say "ma chérie d'amour" that you can translate to "my sweet love" ... but you can't say "chérie Amour".


I am French.
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Other Answers (10)

  • hoptoad answered 6 years ago
    Okay, first of all, it should be "chéri amour" with a little accent mark above the "e"

    It's supposed to mean "my dear/darling/cherished love."

    The Stevie Wonder song was "My Chérie Amour," which had "my" in English, "chérie" in the feminine, and "amour" in the masculine--a real mish-mash. My old prof de français would never have let us say that--can any native speakers of French comment on it?
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  • HB answered 6 years ago
    "Cherie Amour" itselfs doesn't mean anything ,

    Just 2 words : Dear (or beloved) and Love

    "Chérie d'amour" would be correct !
    It is a sort of nickname we give to our beloved one. (to a girl)

    or "Cher Amour" (Dear love)
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  • oui~moi~toi answered 6 years ago
    cherie means "dear" and amour means "love"

    "dear love"

    it's french
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  • J P answered 6 years ago
    Cherie generally means cherished. It can also mean something like sweet, or honey (like a pet name for your boyfriend or girlfriend).

    So basically it means sweet love or "my love" or special love.
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  • time to move to google answered 6 years ago
    cher = expensive, precious, or CHERished, amour means love. "ma" means my. so ma cherie amour means my cherished love.
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  • bryan_q answered 6 years ago
    Ask Stevie Wonder. One of his songs has "Ma Cherie Amour" in it.
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  • miabeth1217 answered 6 years ago
    This is a french phrase that means dear love-and enduring term. Au revoir, mon ami! (Good-bye my friend)
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  • misty_aspen answered 6 years ago
    "Darling love".But it's incorrect french.
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  • drake_vampiel_d answered 6 years ago
    I know Amour means love but I'm not sure about the whole statement.
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  • dirtyrubberduck answered 6 years ago
    I dunno, but if someone calls you that it means you're pretty as a summer's day ;)

  • Wah... rame juga dan jawabannya asyik-asyik juga. 
Tapi karena ini lagunya Stevie Wonder, jadi aku cari jawabannya yang bener mending dari Stevie Wonder aja deh. Ternyata, Cherie Amour itu adalah:

The song was originally written about Wonder's girlfriend while he was at the Michigan School for the Blind in Lansing, Michigan, and had the title "Oh My Marsha". After they broke up, the lyrics and title were altered to the more general "My Cherie Amour". All the instruments except for the horns and the strings were recorded on November 8, 1967. Then, on November 17th of that year, the horns and strings were added at Golden World Records, one year before it closed down. Finally, Wonder's vocals were added on January 15, 1968, but it was not released until January 28, 1969 because at the time of the song's release, Wonder had some vocal problems and had to wait until the problems were gone, so Motown decided to release some songs that Wonder had recorded years before and My Cherie Amour was one of them. The song became a #4 hit on both the Billboard pop and R&Bsingles charts in 1969. (sumber: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Cherie_Amour_(song))
HAH! Ternyata itu awalnya dari sebuah nama. Yaitu nama pacarnya Stevie Wonder waktu dia sekolah di sekolah khusus untuk tuna netra yaitu The Michigan School. Jadi doi punya pacar namanya Marsha. Berhubung Stevie Wonder emang pinter bikin lagu sejak masih muda banget, jadi buat pacarnya itu dia bikin lagu deh, terus dikasi judul Oh My Marsha. Sayangnya mereka keburu bubar, jadi diubah deh judulnya. Ih... si Marsha.. kenapa gak bertahan sampai lagunya dirilis ya? Kan lumayan tuh namanya bisa ikut ngetop. Kali aja ditawarin main film gitu (*jitak kepala sendiri. Matrenya kambuh).

Nah... ini lyric lagu lengkapnya. 

"My Cherie Amour"

La la la la la la, La la la la la la

My cherie amour, lovely as a summer day
My cherie amour, distant as the milky way
My cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart beats for
How I wish that you were mine

In a cafe or sometimes on a crowded street
I've been near you, but you never noticed me
My cherie amour, won't you tell me how could you ignore
That behind that little smile I wore
How I wish that you were mine

La la la la la la, La la la la la la
La la la la la la, La la la la la la

Maybe someday, you'll see my face among the crowd
Maybe someday, I'll share your little distant cloud
Oh, cherie amour, pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart beats for
How I wish that you were mine

La la la la la la, La la la la la la
La la la la la la, La la la la la la

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